Jaggery, commonly known as Gud in hindi and Gul in marathi, is an easily available, cheap, very beneficial and nutritious item in the grocery list. It is a storehouse for many nutrients. Due to its Ushna (hot) potency and snigdha property it pacifies vata, It strengthens bones and joints, allievates backache and bodyache. Jaggery being easy to digest, also kindles digestive fire, aids digestion and helps in constipation.
It helps to increase haemoglobin content of the body, and is a rich source of iron, calcium magnesium and potassium. The most common cold and cough problems faced during winter, is taken care of by jaggery due to its ushna, snigdha, vataghna guna. It is a good natural sweetener, immunity builder, and a natural health tonic.
Jaggery can be used in various food and medicinal preparations. It can also be had raw with peanuts or piece of coconut. It is advised to use organic Jaggery for desired benefits.